Please note: the Molenbeek vaccination centre will be open – due to the hot weather – on Tuesday 19 July from 9am to 1pm.
Schedule of testing and vaccination centres during the weekend of 21 July :
- TEST Centre :
- Pacheco: open on Thursday 21/07 from 9.45 am to 5.30 pm, same schedule from Friday 22/07 to Sunday 24/07
- Molenbeek: closed from 21/07 to 24/07 inclusive
- Pacheco: closed Thursday 21/07, open Friday 22/07 and Saturday 23/07 from 9.45am to 5.30pm, closed Sunday 24/07
- Molenbeek: closed from 21/07 to 24/07 inclusive
Photo by Sergi Design on Unsplash